Project Manager Superintendents

HomeProject Manager Superintendents


Job Description and Responsibilities

A. Scheduling and Organizing of the Job

  • 1. Confirming schedule with subcontractors one week ahead
  • 2. Insure materials are on site prior to their scheduled installation
  • 3. Plan and coordinate daily job site activities

B. Encouraging team work and providing direction to employees and subcontractors

  • 1. Resolve field problems in a timely manner and notify project mngr. when assistance is needed
  • 2. Hire, train and develop foremen and assistants
  • 3. Develop and maintain positive relationships with all project team members

C. Ensuring Quality Control

  • 1. Instill a “make sure we do the job right the first time” attitude
  • 2. Do not wait for punch list to take care of the small things.
  • 3. Insure work by subcontractors is per plans and specs

D. Control Job Costs

  • 1. Acquire a minimum of three quotes on materials before purchase
  • 2. Return rental equipment in a timely manner
  • 3. Control overtime and regular man hours throughout the project

E. Documenting the Project

  • 1. Maintain accurate record of daily job site activities
  • 2. Retain and return to office all delivery and testing receipts
  • 3. Maintain safety meeting records and sign off sheets
  • 4. Report payroll to office each Monday before 12 noon for previous weeks hours

F. Safety Enforcement

  • 1. Provide weekly safety tool box talks for employees and subcontractor foremen
  • 2. Inspect job site daily for infractions
  • 3. Keep MSDS Book up to date

G. Customer Relations

  • 1. Promote friendly, business like relationships between KMD CONSTRUCTION, LLC and our customers, subcontractors, owners and local officials
  • 2. If project manager is not available, superintendent shall take owner representative or local official to lunch at each meeting if possible
  • 3. Remember: You represent KMD CONSTRUCTION, LLC at all times

Dress and Attitude

  • a. Professional dress codes shall adhere at all times. Collared shirts shall be worn at all times. No torn, stained or profane language on any clothing shall be worn on site or while representing the company.
  • b. Respect and courtesy shall be used in all situations. Be firm, courteous and professional with a “let’s get the job done” attitude


  • a. The office/trailer shall be kept clean and organized at all times
  • b. It is imperative to keep job site lay down and working area broom clean prior to any job site meetings
  • c. Enforcement of job site cleanliness by subcontractors daily